House Project Board - Detailed Terms of Reference (ToR)

(Completed together with young people and representatives of the House Project).


To offer sustainable homes for young people leaving care. In Oxfordshire we offer our young people a home for as long as they choose to stay. This takes the form of a room in a shared house. Young People live together after completing an accredited induction programme which includes group work based upon peer support.

The House Project offers another housing option for care leavers which is part of a wider suite of services that Oxfordshire County Council provide to support outcomes for care leavers. 


The mission of the House Project is to engage with young people on a developmental journey that builds ownership, responsibility, community, homes, independence and direction. The destination is a sustainable home that provides a secure base from which to thrive. The House Project builds through direct experience – we don’t just talk about it we do it. 


The purpose of the Project Board is to drive the House Project and ensure delivery. The Board has overall responsibility and the authority to guide the project and make decisions, in line with the remit set out by the National House Project.


The Project Board will:

  • Maintain the focus on development and achievement of the project objectives to include milestones & agreed outcomes.
  • Ensure the project delivers within its agreed boundaries
  • Hold the project team to account for the delivery of the project
  • Manage project level risks, challenges and successes.
  • To have clear oversight and responsibility of the budget
  • Promotion of the project and communication within Children, Education and Families Directorate, and external stakeholders.
  • The Project Board will meet formally on a quarterly basis, with additional working group, or individual, meetings occurring outside of the board when required.
  • An Annual Report with be presented to the Project Board annually, and this will be shared with the Guardians for Us Panel.




Fixed Members

Karen Palmer/Sue Lingard

Senior Lead

Hazel Cringle

Head of Service Leaving Care 

Sarah Ashfield

Project Manager

Christina Petrino

Children we care for Team Manager

Clare Campling

Team Manager

Oxfordshire Treatment Foster Care

Mary Keady Green

Finance Business Partner

Mark Walker

Virtual School Education, Employment & Training Coordinator


Teekay Adegbenro

CICC/House Project Apprentice/ Young People’s representative.

Jackie Goodwin

Housing OCC

Andrew Jones

Independent Reviewing Officer

Members co-opted when required




The agenda together with all relevant papers including the actions from the previous meeting will be circulated by email to all members three working days prior to the meeting. When necessary this will be a virtual meeting.

Key actions will be recorded and circulated to the attendees by the Project Manager within ten days after each Project Board meeting.

All members will be responsible for ensuring that any actions arising from decisions taken at the meeting where they are the responsible owner for the action will be completed within agreed timescales.


Proposed Standing Items for Board Agenda:

  • Actions from previous meeting and matters arising
  • Project progress report including a young people’s update
  • Risks, challenges and successes
  • Annual Report
  • Budget
  • Communications

The House Project in Oxfordshire reports to the National House Project Board regularly via a variety of formats and via the attendees at the House Project Board.


Where a board member is unable to attend a Project Board meeting it is critical that they notify the business support officer and project manager in advance and send a delegate to make decisions at the board on their behalf.


At least half of the members of the Project Board including either the Chair or Deputy Chair must be present in order for the meeting to go ahead.

To be reviewed: April 2022.

Terms of ref - Download here  

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