Quotes from Young people on the project

The HP has given me the opportunity to better my life by giving me a lot of 1-1 support with everything
The HP has given me a sense of family, support and friendship that I never got from foster care

The HP offers young people a roof over their head and they teach life skills to be able to be independent 

If I was telling another young person about the HP, I would say that it is a starting point for a brilliant future
The HP gives you the freedom to explore and experience life to your full potential
It has helped me so much in confidence and talking to other people

Peter's Story - My journey in the house project

Before the house project I went through an assessment home and a move-on home both of those places weren’t real homes; a place to call my own where I could decorate or have my own space. But though the House Project I’ve been able to achieve that and much more. 

My journey started when one of the facilitators approach me about the House Project, after a few meetings and many discussions about the project. I was invited for an interview and was chosen to be a part of the first house project in Oxfordshire, an amazing opportunity that has helped me grow as a person and gain valuable skills I will use later in life. A few of these skills I learned on the house project residential, in which me and 7 other house project members work together to build shelters, fires and did team building activities as well as a bit of football which resulted in a window being broken and a lot of laughs being had.

Other skills were also learned in our weekly meetings, in a couple of our meetings we painted canvases for our own rooms and one for the group room. Many of these meetings we discussed different challenges we might face in a shared house a few examples were: what goes in which bin and what day it goes out, your tenancy rights and what you need for your room. 

The House Project has not been without its problems but with the support and advice of others in the same position as you as well as the life experience of the facilitators make it one of the best opportunities for levers of care within Oxfordshire.

Now with the house project expanding with another cohort, the previous cohort will provide experience and advice for a new generation of care leavers and inspire and inform others about this great project, That has helped every member transition from the very shelter care system into functioning adult with goals and adaptations, they might have thought impossible while in care.

Young people at the heart of decision making

Their collective views and ideas drive the development of all House Projects through the Care Leavers National Movement. They meet on a regular basis to share good practice, talk about and find solutions to any challenges they are facing and to suggest new ways of doing things. They work hard, have fun and their views make a real difference to how young people leave care and move into their own homes.

I have recently decided to become a rep as I feel my voice is strong & useful when used in the right context. I care for and feel strongly for the rights of all young people who experience similar experiences 

Latest News

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